Boktips: “The Awakened Family”

Jag tycker mycket om att utbyta tankar och erfarenheter med andra, både i tal och i skrift. Något som säkert märks med tanke på det jag skapat genom åren i form av events, föreläsningar, workshops, kurser, podcast, intervjuer och videoprojekt. Så gillar jag ju att läsa också – och i vanlig ordning vill jag dela med mig av det som berör mig.

Under sommaren tänkte jag därför dela några favoritböcker med utdrag, citat och mina anteckningar från läsningen. Böckerna handlar oftast om vad det innebär att vara människa och hur vi lever i relation till vår omgivning. Sååå…. Vill ni följa med på en boktipsrunda?
Se det antingen som en inspiration till att själv läsa böckerna, till att få en snabbresumé om dess djupare innehåll eller mer än gärna – dela dina tankar om boken och det jag delat av den!

”The Awakened Family"”

Shefali Tsabary

Här är några löst utvalda delar, lite av vad jag tar med mig från boken – ibland citerat, ibland direkta utdrag och ibland en sammanfattning av mig. Siffran innan, visar vilken sida i boken som texten är hämtad/sammanfattad ifrån.

The focus is always on the parent’s awareness rather than the child’s behavior. That is the core of the book.

…defend herself from my ego…

“Look what you made me do” and “Why do you do this to me?”

“Don’t change the children, change the parents way of being a parent. The child will naturally change and evolve toward higher consciousness.

“How can I use this moment with my child to learn more about myself?”

Children don’t need us to lead them to an awakened state, because they are already awake… As parents, it’s vital for us to understand that as long as our children are in touch with their deepest self, they will motivate themselves beyond anything we could ever imagine. We should keep pointing them inwards, so they learn to listen to their own desires.

Parents are oriented to the future, children inhabit the present.

Every child: Am I seen? Am I worthy? Do I matter?

I wished to no longer be rules by the stereotypical templates of generations past. I began to walk a new path.

The home os the seeding ground for all that comes later. If the ground isn’t planted with the right seeds, our children are likely to flounder.

We are the childrens team as their partner, not their boss. Rather than “you must”, say “I see you, I want to help you, can you help me help you?”

Instead of ‘good’ or ‘bad’, did my child:
- express themselves
- listen to inner voice
- focus on their needs and meet them
-dare make mistakes
- feel safe to tell the truth
- follow their heart

Just because we love our children doesn’t mean we know how to be present with them, attuned to their inner world, and able to help them realize who they are.

Love, as I define it, is the ability to fully see, accept and honor the other person for who they are…
This definition of love challenges us to honor ourselves so that we feel fulfilled in ourselves to the extent that the other is set free from contributing to our fullfillment…
To love ourselves consciously means to be in constant communion with our inner light while showing great compassion for our dark side. It means we know our flawns and limitations… So that we no longer see ourselves as wounded, hurt, and therefore needy.

The idea “to be happy” comes from a sense that the present moment is somehow lacking.

Stop searching for happiness, knowing that the process of engaging whatever comes our way holds the greatest fullfillment.

….the ability to turn any situation into an opportunity for greater courage and adventure. When parents fully embrace the power of pain as a portal for transformation = allow your kids the same freedom to explore their relationship to it.

Embrace life for what it is, instead of how good or bad it looks or feel. Don’t judge life, but fully explore its light and dark moments instead of running after a particular feeling, let go of the expectation of feeling differently from how we feel, choose “as is” of this moment.

Abundance isn’t about living large and spending money, it’s a state of mind. A deep trust in the organic flow of the universe and our place in the scheme of things. It’s a way of looking and see the whole rather than the parts.

Each moment offers us endless paths, requiring us to become aware of our conscious and unconscious choices so we can tailor our energy to match the desire we want to see blossom. We have the power to choose. It’s in this way that grit, resilience, courage and the creativity to live differently is born.

Talking for the sake of filling the quiet with sound creates the antithesis of connection.

Who am I without my name, role, religion or identity?

Roles can easily end up seriously unbalancing our energy as we become locked into a mental image of who we are “supposed” to be, instead of being who we truly are.

Nature has a way of balancing itself. Hot-cold. Light-dark, life-death. When meeting people som är i överskott av en pol, gå in i den andra och väg upp.

Talking about something is very different from enacting it with body, mind and soul.

Collaborate – don’t compromise. When we compromise, we tend to compromise ourselves, selling ourselves out to one degree or another. It asks us to sacrifice, surrender something that may be important to us… negotiate searching for solution that’s win-win is better.
Compromise comes from a feeling of lack, collaborative negotiation asks us to embrace that we have infinite possibilities.

Conflicts are not bad, just two individuals in disagreement. It’s an opportunity to see something new, we should honor everyone’s voice and ensure everyone is heard.

Free of all neediness, we neither sell ourselves out nor make unreasonable demands of others. We genuinely seek a path that can work for each of us. Brain storming freely and without feeling threatened until a creative solution emerges.

Knowing that when I release you to be you, I set myself free.

Guide your children: “Did you feel your heart today?”, “Did you listen to your inner guide today?”


Det var några av mina anteckningar efter att ha läst boken.
Hoppas de gav dig någon tanke att ta vidare, en nyfikenhet att utforska mer!

Jag ser att mycket av det som finns här återspeglas i samtal som kan uppkomma i vår workshop Pathway to purpose eller i årshjulet Urkrafter & Drivkrafter. Även om detta utgår från förälder och barn så är det fortfarande aktuellt även för andra relationer, även yrkesmässiga.

Vad väcks hos dig?


Boktips: “Om tiden och vattnet”


Boktips: “Du ska inte tro att du är något”